Friday, February 17, 2006

Blogging from the berry--is this a future hourblue theme?

I'm doing this while being filmed---why is this interesting? Is this a future technology? Film crews filming mobile blogging?

This is about as surreal as they are filming the screen. Hi guys---do you know that I am writing about you while you are filming me? I still feel hunted by the media. Blogging is like being a 5 cent goldfish.

So now the crewis filming me. If this shows up on screen, someone who speaks english will get a real kick out of filming me blogging about them filming me blogging about them filming me blogging about them...kind of like an escher diagram.....this is so fricking wierd!!!

Now they are going forthe long view shot.I think film crews are wacko a bit--this is what you call "manufactured media" ok mr. Lion can you bit the zebra one more time? That would so rock. Ok--bring the next zebra in! Whoa. We're out of zebras bob----bring in the wildabeest!

I apologize for the streamof conscious crap here but I have no idea what to write about while a crew of 4 guys hovers around with microphones and cameras. So wierd.

Holycow this is strange....

I think ill cc some people on this....

sent from rony's blackberry

Mobile blog while being filmed by a crew from japan....very strange

-from nyc
sent from rony's blackberry

Friday, February 10, 2006

Flying Cars

Posted From The U.S.

Interesting link for research into future vehicles for the movie:
